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Out of the Head

Masterclass  - to bring you out of your head and into your natural state of surrender, ease and joy.


This offering is for you if you hold beliefs like 

*time is scarce

*money is scarce

*life is hard

*life is stressful


The great news is, feelings of stress, overwhelm and scarcity are BELIEFS.  They're not actually feelings. They are core beliefs that inform how we feel about ourselves and how we behave.


Out Of Your Head - is designed to offer your practical and relatable tools, practices and space for you to 


*unpack your beliefs

*drop into your body

*connect to your wisdom

*create free flowing energy.


When you tell your mind, body and soul that life is hard, chaotic you are develop beliefs that you are not safe, not worthy, not ready to receive.  In this state of arousal you cannot create, flow or live with ease. So I have designed 'Out of your Head' to switch all that up, in a jam packed offering to support your journey home to yourself, with ease, fun and some badass energy.


Bonuses Include:

*EFT (emotional freedom technique)

*PDF Workbook

*Guided Visualisations


Investment £11


 Price is currently at the super affordable rate of £11, with 10% going to Become Charity - the charity for Children in Care & Care Leavers in the U.K.


Sunday November 15th 10am Via Zoom (zoom link and PDF will be sent out 24 hours prior to the call).










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